Do Bubble Teas Have Caffeine?

Do Bubble Teas Have Caffeine?

Bubble tea, also known as boba tea, is a popular beverage that has gained immense popularity worldwide. This refreshing drink originated in Taiwan and combines various ingredients such as tea, milk, sweeteners, and chewy tapioca pearls or other toppings.

One of the most commonly asked questions about bubble tea is whether it contains caffeine. The answer to this question isn't straightforward, as it depends on the specific ingredients used in the bubble tea.

Tea Base

The main source of caffeine in bubble tea is the tea base used in the beverage. Most bubble tea shops offer a variety of tea options, including black, green, oolong, and herbal teas. Black and green teas naturally contain caffeine, while herbal teas and some oolong teas are generally caffeine-free.

  • Black Tea: Black tea has the highest caffeine content among the tea varieties used in bubble tea. A typical serving of black tea can contain around 47 milligrams of caffeine.

  • Green Tea: Green tea contains moderate levels of caffeine, with a standard serving providing approximately 28 milligrams of caffeine.

  • Oolong Tea: The caffeine content in oolong tea can vary widely, ranging from low to moderate levels depending on the oxidation level of the tea leaves.

  • Herbal Teas: Herbal teas, such as chamomile, peppermint, or fruit-based teas, are naturally caffeine-free.

Milk and Other Ingredients

In addition to the tea base, bubble tea may contain other ingredients that can affect the caffeine content. Many bubble tea shops offer milk-based options, where the tea is mixed with milk or non-dairy milk alternatives. These additions do not contribute any caffeine to the beverage.

Toppings and Sweeteners

The toppings and sweeteners added to bubble tea are typically caffeine-free. Common toppings like tapioca pearls, grass jelly, and pudding do not contain any caffeine. Similarly, sweeteners such as sugar, honey, or syrups are also caffeine-free.

Caffeine Content Variations

The caffeine content in bubble tea can vary greatly depending on the size of the drink, the type of tea used, and the brewing method.

A small bubble tea made with black tea can contain around 30-50 milligrams of caffeine, while a larger size made with green tea may have around 20-40 milligrams of caffeine.

It's important to note that some bubble tea shops may also offer decaf options or allow customers to request a caffeine-free tea base.


In summary, bubble teas can contain varying amounts of caffeine, primarily derived from the tea base used in the beverage. Black and green teas contain natural caffeine, while herbal teas are caffeine-free.

The caffeine content can range from zero to around 50 milligrams per serving, depending on the size, tea variety, and brewing method.

If you're looking to limit your caffeine intake, it's best to opt for bubble teas made with herbal teas or request a caffeine-free tea base.