How many calories are in a Twisted Tea?

How many calories are in a Twisted Tea?

Twisted Tea is a popular brand of alcoholic iced tea beverages that has gained a lot of attention in recent years. Many people enjoy the refreshing taste of these drinks, but they may also be concerned about the calorie content.

In this article, we'll explore the calorie count of Twisted Tea and provide some helpful information to help you make informed choices about your beverage consumption.

What is Twisted Tea?

Twisted Tea is a brand of flavored malt beverages that are essentially a blend of tea and alcohol. These drinks are produced by the Boston Beer Company, the same company that makes Samuel Adams beer.

Twisted Tea is available in several different flavors, including original, half, and half (which combines tea and lemonade), and various fruit flavors like raspberry and peach.

Calorie Content of Twisted Tea

The calorie content of Twisted Tea can vary slightly depending on the specific flavor you choose. However, in general, a 12-ounce can of regular Twisted Tea contains approximately 195 calories. This calorie count is relatively high compared to many other alcoholic beverages.

Factors Affecting Calorie Count

The calorie content of Twisted Tea is influenced by several factors, including:

  1. Alcohol content: Twisted Tea has an alcohol by volume (ABV) of around 5%, which contributes to its calorie count.

  2. Sugar content: Twisted Tea contains added sugars, which can significantly increase the calorie count.

  3. Flavoring ingredients: Some flavors of Twisted Tea may contain additional ingredients that can affect the calorie content.

Comparison with Other Beverages

To put the calorie count of Twisted Tea into perspective, let's compare it to some other common beverages:

  • Regular beer (12 oz): Approximately 150 calories

  • Light beer (12 oz): Approximately 100 calories

  • Wine (5 oz): Approximately 120 calories

  • Soda (12 oz): Approximately 150 calories

As you can see, Twisted Tea has a higher calorie count than many other alcoholic beverages, and it's even comparable to regular soda in terms of calories.

Tips for Enjoying Twisted Tea in Moderation

If you enjoy the taste of Twisted Tea but want to be mindful of your calorie intake, here are some tips:

  1. Opt for smaller serving sizes: Instead of consuming a full 12-ounce can, consider pouring a smaller portion into a glass.

  2. Alternate with water: Drink a glass of water between each Twisted Tea to help pace yourself and stay hydrated.

  3. Choose lower-calorie options: Some flavors of Twisted Tea may have slightly fewer calories than others, so check the nutrition labels and choose accordingly.

  4. Be mindful of mixers: If you're mixing Twisted Tea with other beverages, be aware of the additional calories from those ingredients.


Twisted Tea is a refreshing and flavorful alcoholic beverage, but it's important to be aware of its calorie content. With around 195 calories per 12-ounce can, it's a relatively high-calorie drink compared to many other alcoholic beverages.

However, by practicing moderation and making informed choices, you can enjoy Twisted Tea while still maintaining a balanced diet and lifestyle.