What is French Roast Coffee?

What is French Roast Coffee?

Do you love the rich, bold flavor of a dark roast coffee? If so, you might be a fan of French roast coffee. This popular roast style has a deep, smoky taste that many coffee enthusiasts adore.

But what exactly is French roast coffee, and how does it differ from other roasts?

In this article, we'll explore the fascinating world of French roast coffee, including its history, flavor profile, and brewing tips.

The Roasting Process

French roast coffee beans are roasted longer and at higher temperatures than lighter roasts. This extended roasting process causes the beans to take on a dark, almost black color and develop a shiny, oily surface. The beans also become very fragile and can easily crumble or break during the roasting process.

Bold and Smoky Flavor

The longer roasting time and high temperatures used to create French roast coffee result in a bold, smoky flavor that some people describe as slightly bitter or even a bit charred.

Despite its intense taste, French roast coffee is surprisingly low in acidity, which can make it easier on sensitive stomachs.

Origins and History

While the name "French roast" might suggest that this roast style originated in France, its true origins are somewhat unclear. Some believe it was first popularized in France, while others trace its roots to the French colonies of the Caribbean or even to Italy.

Brewing French Roast Coffee

French roast coffee can be brewed using any method, from a simple drip machine to more complex pour-over or French press methods. Because of its bold flavor, many experts recommend brewing French roast coffee with a slightly coarser grind to avoid over-extraction and bitterness.

Pairing and Enjoying French Roast

French roast coffee pairs well with cream or milk, which can help balance out its intense flavor. It's also a great choice for adding to desserts or baked goods, as its bold taste can stand up to rich flavors like chocolate or caramel.


Whether you're a seasoned coffee connoisseur or just starting to explore the world of specialty coffee, French roast is a style worth trying. With its bold, smoky flavor and low acidity, it offers a unique and satisfying coffee experience.

Just remember to brew it with care and experiment with different brewing methods to find your perfect cup.